Anti-fragile Workforce

5 Benefits of Cultivating an Anti-fragile Workforce

resilient teams Feb 23, 2024

The concept of building an anti-fragile workforce has never been more critical. Unlike mere resilience, which is about bouncing back from challenges, anti-fragility goes a step further.

Anti-fragility requires you to have systems and individuals that not only withstand volatility and stress but also thrive and grow stronger because of it. 

5 Benefits of Cultivating an Anti-fragile Workforce 

1. Thriving in Uncertainty

The essence of an anti-fragile workforce is its ability to not just survive but flourish in the face of uncertainty. While resilience might help a team recover from setbacks, anti-fragility ensures that each challenge leads to growth and improvement. 

In the construction industry, projects are often subject to unforeseen complications, delays, and changes. An anti-fragile team adapts, learns, and becomes more capable with each obstacle encountered.

2. Enhanced Innovation

An anti-fragile mindset encourages experimentation and innovation. In an environment that rewards learning from failures, employees are more likely to take calculated risks and explore new ideas. This cannot happen if employees are too afraid to speak up because they’ll be shot down by veteran employees who want to do things the old way. 

In the construction field, where traditional practices are often deeply ingrained, fostering an innovative culture can differentiate a company from its competitors.

3. Improved Employee Well-being

The mental health crisis in the workplace is a growing concern, with stress, anxiety, and burnout impacting employee happiness and productivity. Here are some staggering facts: 

  • 300 Million people today are suffering from depression and anxiety
  • The cost to employers is over 1 trillion dollars
  • 17% of employees are actively disengaged at work
  • Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death - and is 2X more likely in the trades

Yet we know us "rugged guys" are pretty resistant to anything that seems at all like therapy or building soft skills. Even employee wellness programs don't often get used. 

GET Thriving at Work and GET Thriving in the Trades deploy the Positive Intelligence framework because it’s easy, practical and impactful - and it’s been proven effective by over 500,000 participants - including ourselves. 

An anti-fragile workforce is equipped with the mental fitness to manage stress effectively, not only preventing negative mental health outcomes but also promoting overall well-being. This shift towards a supportive, mentally fit workplace can lead to higher employee satisfaction, loyalty, and reduced turnover.

4. Boosted Productivity

The correlation between employee well-being and productivity is well-documented. An anti-fragile workforce that is mentally fit and emotionally resilient is more engaged, motivated, and efficient. By embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, employees can maintain high levels of performance even in stressful situations. 

Think about how much time is lost overthinking responses to angry customers, sorting out inter-office conflict, and complaining about job conditions. Mental fitness skills translate into better project outcomes, timely completions, and enhanced collaboration to get the job done.

5. Greater Flexibility and Adaptability

Younger employees today aren’t willing to put up with the conditions we did. They want more work-life balance. They want to use technology instead of paper to get their job done. They want their contributions to make a difference. 

An anti-fragile workforce is capable of being flexible and finding new approaches in response to workforce changes. This agility is a significant asset, allowing companies to navigate disruptions with confidence.

How to Foster an Anti-fragile Workforce

Building an anti-fragile workforce starts with leadership. It requires a commitment to creating a culture that values growth, learning, and psychological safety. Our GET Thriving at Work training programs focus on developing mental fitness, resilience, and a growth mindset. 

Glenn Evans has a 20 year background working in the trades. Adrianne Machina has worked in tech (a male dominated industry) her entire career, including remote work overseas. Both of us have overcome significant challenges in our personal and professional lives that we incorporate into our workforce training programs. 

The benefits of cultivating an anti-fragile workforce are vast. By prioritizing mental fitness, flexibility, and a culture of continuous learning, companies can not only withstand challenges but also capitalize on them, driving growth, innovation, and success in any circumstance.


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