"Most men die at 27;
We just bury them at 72."

- Mark Twain


We need more men
to become cycle breakers.

"Most men die at 27;
we just bury them at 72." 

- Mark Twain

We need more men
to become cycle breakers.


Can we count on you?

As a CYCLE BREAKER, you leave a LEGACY for future generations by:

  • TRANSFORMING your life through self-awareness
  • COURAGEOUSLY CONFRONTING negative beliefs, behaviors and traditions in yourself and others
  • LEADING your family, organization, and others to consciously change patterns
  • REFUSING to make your happiness dependent on circumstance 
  • PROVIDING & RECEIVING safety and support 

Change begins in each of us. We we have the power to turn any challenge into a gift or opportunity.

Anti-fragile workforce

Find other men on the journey of self-discovery, ready to stand in your corner, becoming cycle breakers together.

Visualize your futre

Burnout recovery for individuals and teams. We know we’re rugged; we forget we’re not indestructible. 


I see you, man.

I see your courage. I honor your toughness. My question for you is...

How do you see yourself? 

Us guys spend a lot of time and energy hiding, pretending we're not stressed out, burned out, messed up, feeling broken. It's exhausting to be constantly covering up our inadequacies and running from our pasts. 

What do you see when you see me?

A normal guy?  

For most of my life, that's the most I could hope for. To appear normal. Because my life has NEVER been normal. Not even close. 

Like most of us, I hid behind my smile, tried to achieve my way to happiness. Oh, I got all the trappings of success - worked my way up the ladder in the HVAC industry, got to travel the world - but no matter how good everything looked from the outside, on the inside, I was miserable.

Glenn Evans

Early childhood trauma created lifelong emotional dysregulation and messed up coping mechanisms. 

For over 40 years, my brain rode the misery train 24/7/365 with no stops.

Bad habits only made the situation worse.

  • Anxiety from being hungover
  • Regret from bad decisions
  • Trouble with all my relationships
  • Terrible physical and mental health

I didn't want to be this person. I vowed to do better than my parents. I wanted to break the cycle. I was letting myself and everyone around me down.

Finally realizing that no one was coming to save me, I decided I had to save myself. Through mindset, mindfulness, plant medicine, music & art, and community, I finally came home to myself.

What a relief! I finally have peace in my heart, health in my body, and am excited to create this bold future where I truly am able to GET THRIVING! 

I invite you to join me (and my partner Adrianne) on this amazing adventure. 

Glenn Evans

What's keeping YOU stuck?

You tell yourself you're doing OK.

Of course, you can always point to someone who is "way worse off" than you - or tell yourself how much better you're doing now than you were before. But if you're unhappy or unfulfilled, you deserve better. Don't settle for OK. 

You already know what you need to do.

But you're not DOING the work... Your excuses may be valid - but they're also keep you stuck. Our program has been tested by 500,000 participants. Group accountability increases your odds of success by 500%. 

You're trying everything BUT mental fitness.

You think you things will get better once you... lose 20 lbs, stop drinking, get that promotion, find that relationship, etc. In reality, once you feel better about yourself and can stop the rumination and distraction, your goals become more attainable.

Explore Our Coaching Programs

Radical Resilience

We coined the term "Radical Resilience" as a way to differentiate what it takes to break free from chronic stress caused by difficult conditions. 

Resilience is the ability to push through a difficult situation -  like enduring cold weather. RADICAL RESILIENCE is the ability to have the resources and fortitude for the long-term, like learning to live in cold weather - and maybe even LOVE IT.  RADICAL RESILIENCE can also mean being strong enough to break unhealthy patterns and to leave situations that no longer serve you.

GET Thriving teaches you how to build RADICAL RESILIENCE for yourself, your team, or your organization so you can accomplish your goals without burning out.  

Ready to Level up your LIFE? 
Sign Up for our Growing List of Thrival Resources 


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