Thriving Teams 

Wherever stoicism is expected and toughness is a badge of honor, workers are going to suffer in silence. 

Believe me. I know. I thought success would be my ticket to happiness. I was consistently a top sales performer, while struggling every day to keep my shit together. My blood pressure and life were out of control. 

Many of us came from rough backgrounds. We know we're rugged; we forget we're not indestructible. The truth is I was dying inside, killing myself with cutting words. 

I could have become a statistic, but instead, I found relief by practicing mental fitness. Today, I have better health and more happiness than I've ever had in my entire life.

I want to pay it back.  We work with teams who are committed to creating a healthy culture where everyone gets to win. 

Glenn Evans, Co-Founder of GET Thriving 

Glenn Evans

"But did you DIE?"

A tough talk about the impact of workplace stress 

Online Event - May 2, 2024


Being Tough is NOT Enough.  

  • Do you regularly maintain your equipment?
  • Do you regularly change the oil in your trucks?  

Of course you do. You can't expect your equipment to work well without routine maintenance. But what do you do to maintain the mental well-being of your employees?

Workers in the trades have been facing a mental health crisis. They get few accolades for taking on jobs that are difficult and dangerous, despite being the services that keep our world running smoothly. 

“Deal with it and get back to work.

Without coping skills or a safe way to vent their frustration, emotions get bottled up. Anger erupts in workplace conflict and resentment lowers productivity. Compounding the problem, workers may spend off-work hours numbing out on alcohol, video games, or other vices. You can help break the cycle.

We are Indigenous owned (Native Alaskan) and come from a Trades background.

Hidden stress is an invisible epidemic that impacts us all. Experts project that stress-related issues will cost our economy $6 Trillion by 2030.

You often don't know what employees are going through - but you do know that stress is causing problems in the workplace.

How do you help, without overstepping your bounds - especially when you have a "woo-woo resistant" workforce? 

You call GET Thriving.

Glenn and Adrianne are mental fitness training experts who will get your team in shape in just 8 weeks. 

What makes GET Thriving different?

With GET Thriving, trade workers get to hear from “one of their own.”

Every time Glenn speaks at a Union Hall, it's a packed house!  Glenn started in the trades as an HVAC technician, surrounded by plumbers, electricians and engineers all grumbling about the same things.  After two decades in the industry, he founded GET Thriving.

The truth is that being a rugged individual will only get you so far. Having better self-talk and communication skills doesn’t make you weak. Building mental strength makes you a happier human. Glenn and Adrianne both have challenging backgrounds that they bring into their coaching.


When workers struggle, so do their employers

In this guide, you'll learn:
  • What's behind today's diminished mental health
  • Why wellness programs aren't solving the problem
  • What successful companies are doing to create change
  • How to shape a culture of mental fitness in your workplace

Get the GET Thriving Guide from Positive Intelligence 

Want to learn more about how GET Thriving in the Trades can help employees become more resilient and productive through improved mental fitness?